Tuesday, November 12, 2013


We have been hit with a wonderful combination of ear infections and stomach flu.  We are down for the count.

My Big Guy puked a couple times, but is more snotty and coughing and ear infected.  My Little Guy is all stomach flu (you know you're in for a rough couple of days when the pediatrician puts her stethoscope on his tummy and say she hears "something breweing").  Poor baby woke up covered in throw up this morning.  There ain't much more pathetic than that.

Husband and I are suffering the effects of the cold that caused the ear infection, but luckily remain immune to the stomach issues.  So far.

We're on lockdown, no one allowed in and only Husband is allowed out for work.  Otherwise, we're keeping our circus of germs to ourselves.

Luckily I am Polish OCD and stocked up on Lysol spray AND wipes when it was on sale cause we have been going through that stuff like it's water.

It's not pretty here.

But we'll get through it.  Stomach flu only lasts a couple days, My Big Guy's got drugs for his ears, and it's just a cold for me and Husband.

Until then, I'm thankful for my two washer/dryers and my seemingly endless supply of Lysol products to help me get through this mess.

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