Monday, May 20, 2013


I was a Free Range Parent before I knew there was such a thing as a Free Range Parent (

I want my kids to fall, I want them to fail, I want them to get hurt (not seriously of course) - and I want them to learn from it.  I want them to be independent in their actions and their thoughts.  I want them to feel safe and secure in their environments, and in trying new things.  I want them to learn everything they can about themselves and the world around them.  I want them to explore.  I want them to be free to do what they want to do (within reason, obviously).  I want them to know that I'm always here to help them, but that they should try to do it on their own first.  I want them to know their limits, and push themselves beyond them.  I want them to take pride in learning something new, or trying something new.  I want them to trust me, but more importantly trust themselves.  I want them to be confident in their abilities.  I want them to lead.  I want them to creative and think outside the box.  I want them to get dirty.  I want them to experience sadness and frustration and learn what those feelings are like, and how to cope with them.  I want them to know that not everyone wins, and to learn how to lose gracefully (something I myself need to work on from time to time).  I want them to understand competition.  I don't want them to be perpetually scared of the unknown.  I want them to be adventurous.  I want them to take pride in what they do and learn.  I want them to celebrate figuring something out on their own, or learning something new.  I want them to want to learn and figure things out.  I want them to walk to the park on their own (eventually) and play there on their own feeling confident in their safety.  I want them to make messes and realize how and why they happen, but learn that they need to be cleaned up.  I want them to not think of the world as a dangerous place, but somewhere to be explored.  I want them to not fear life, but view it as an adventure.  I want them to be the kids saying, "Hey!  Let's go do <random activity>" on the playground.  I want them to cause trouble (minor trouble).  I want them to get their feelings hurt, so that they know what it's like and to learn not to do it to others.  I want them to have good manners, and realize how far in life a little "please" and "thank you" can get you.  I want them to be their own persons, and do what they want (again, obviously within reason).  I want them to have fun every day.  I want them to learn something new, or try something new every day.  I want them to experience everything the world has to offer, and not be scared of it.  I don't want them to be sheltered by fear, or worry.  I want them to be excited about something new.

But most of all, I want my kids to know that I love them and always will.  No matter what.

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