Thursday, March 20, 2014

But, WHY?

We have entered the "Why?" phase.

Part of me embraces My Big Guy's curiosity and desire to learn about the world. I love that he wants to learn, that he wants know how things work, and why things are they way they are.

The other part of me, well, not so much.

I'm flattered that he thinks I know the answers to such pressing questions as, "Why is that street named Alabama?" or "Why are those people at the Arboretum?" but no, I do not.  Unfortunately, "I don't know" is not an acceptable answer.  My "I don't know," is merely met with another, "Why? Why don't you know?" Sometimes I can get away with a "Cause that's just the way it is," but not often.

Let's break down the "why's" of our car ride this afternoon.

"Why are we going down this street?"
"What does that sign say?"  (This is a new favorite question that falls into the same category - I love that he wants to read so badly, but he's sitting in the backseat and I have no idea what sign he's pointing at and on the rare occasions that I can figure it out it's usually a street sign and when he starts asking his he asks it about literally every street sign we pass. Every. Single. One.)
"Why is that street called (whatever the street's name is)?"
"Why are those cars on the highway?"
"Why aren't we on the highway?"  (or the alternate, "Why ARE we on the highway?" - if we're taking the highway he wants to be on "regular roads" and if we're on "regular roads" he wants to be on the highway.  It's great having to justify my route of choice to a three and a half year old)
"Why can't we get a car wash?" (both boys are big fans of the car wash and fail to understand why it's not a daily occurrence)
"Why is (My Little Guy) singing?"
"Why do you have the radio on?" (To drown out the constant noise from the backseat perhaps?)
"Why are those people getting gas?"
"Why don't we need gas?"
"Why are we passing those cars?" (Cause mommy has a lead foot and road rage my dear, that's why)
"Why are those cars going the other way?"
"Why is there still snow?" (To be fair, I'm asking the same damn question every fucking day)
"Why is it spring?"
"Why is the sun so bright?"
"Why is it daytime?"
"Why are those birds flying?"
"Why is there a tunnel under the highway?"
"Why are we turning here?" (the route justification really gets me for some reason)
"Why is there a store here?"
"Why can't I take my shoes off?"
"Why is that car turning there?"
"Why aren't we turning there?"

I think you get the drift.

And then, oh then, he has also started with the ever popular "Are we there yet?" which is just the icing on the question cake.

Again, it's awesome that he's curious and everything but I also just want some damn peace and quiet sometimes, especially in the car. I try very hard not to let my frustration at my constant interrogation show, and try to answer all his questions as best as I can but sometimes, as an introvert who needs some peace and quiet on a regular basis it drives me up a wall.

Something that I struggle with as a parent is the constant change. I am a creature of habit and routine and each habit and routine only lasts so long with kids. They're constantly growing and changing and developing and I have to do the same along with them.

In this case, it means I have to stop counting on car trips as a time to get my quiet recharging time and figure out another way to make that happen for myself.

And maybe invest in a portable DVD player.

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