Thursday, May 21, 2015

The New Team

So first of all, I promise this won't become a "Helena's Medical Saga" blog (I'm working on a new post filled with swearing, judging and my usual snark) but it's just the easiest way to update those who are interested in updates. If you're not, well screw you jerk! Kidding, kidding. Just move along if you don't want an update today. I'll bring the snark next time, I promise.

We spent a good chunk of the day at the hospital yesterday meeting with everyone we'll be working with from here on out. We had an ultrasound which showed that everything but Helena's heart looks great. She's right where she should be size-wise and she's growing and developing well. Apparently she's about 3 lbs 9 oz which is significantly less than I've gained so crapballs.

We met with my new OB and got her up to speed on everything that goes on with ME in pregnancy. I have to go get them some updated bloodwork and then I go back in two weeks for my normal OB schedule. I was kinda meh on her, but whatever. In the grand scheme of things who weighs me and checks my BP and then catches the baby isn't really what's important here. She seemed nice and like she knows her shit, I just liked my regular OB's better. Not a big deal.

We had a lunch break (whoever decided to build a Portillo's next to the hospital - bless you good sir, bless you), and then met with the pediatric cardiologist who we really liked. She saw all the same things our other cardiologist saw and completely agreed with his diagnosis. We got some good news in that her lower right chamber seemed to be not as small as it was in the other ultrasounds, which is what everyone was hoping would happen. It sort of resolved itself and caught up to the rest of her heart which was great. There was still some stuff that was iffy on the ultrasound that is kinda big deal, but they're hoping once she's born and they can do the ultrasound directly on her (rather than trying to see a tiny baby heart through me) they'll get a better look but in general it was a good appointment confirming what we already thought was the case (no surprises is a good thing!). We're going back for one last ultrasound before delivery (I'm almost 31 weeks), and at that time we'll also get a tour of the NICU, pediatric cardiac recovery floor and the maternity ward.

The best thing that came from the appointment is that the cardiologist recommends me being induced at 39 weeks to ensure that everyone we might need available at Helena's birth is at the hospital and ready to jump in if needed. My husband and I have said that our ideal situation would be delivering at the Children's Hospital, but being induced so that everyone is there and ready to go, so this is perfect for us. I was induced with both My Guys and it works well for me (I don't just... go into labor like some people, please) so it's a great plan.

All in all we're still scared and nervous and stuff, but we're feeling better that a solid plan is coming into place and we're going to be with the right people at the right place for Helena.

And apparently we only have about 8 weeks to get our shit together to get ready for this baby, so we gotta get on that!

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